‘Talk To Me’ Movie Review: A Brutally Intense, Butt-Clenching Debut And New Horror Classic
Photo from IMDb
From Joe Peltzer
It’s hard to remember a directorial debut that’s as hardcore and memorable as Talk to Me, but Danny and Michael Philippou have delivered a brutally intense and shocking film that delivers a new modern horror classic.
In the film, a group of young adults play a party game that has them connecting to spirits through use of an embalmed ceramic hand. All seems fine and in (good?) fun until one of them goes too far, leading to the the escape of some supernatural terror. Let me be clear that Talk to Me is not for everyone; during my screening, a number of people walked out. Why? The film features some rather upsetting and extreme moments that push boundaries and comfort levels. The young cast is rather talented and effective, including Sophie Wilde, Alexandra Jensen, Joe Bird, and Otis Dhanji. Wilde is the central figure here, plagued with ongoing grief from a personal loss that ultimately intersects with the “game” at play. Bird is the central figure in the aforementioned disturbing scenes, but is a talented young performer in his own right. The cast largely works due to them being likely new to American audiences. Combining fresh faces with a new horror concept and original direction is a solid foundation for what becomes an excellent debut.
Talk to Me is not without its flaws as the story is a bit slow to get moving (even with a short runtime) and the pacing is all over the place. However, the use of practical make-up and effects coupled with invasive camera shots delivers a level of terror many films aspire to, but rarely achieve. This isn’t so much scary as it is deeply unnerving, the ultimate butt-clencher of a film that kept me tense until the credits rolled. For that reason alone, Talk to Me delivers tenfold.
It’s the product of creative filmmaking and the unique visions of Danny and Michael Philippou that empowers the cast to embrace what truly is a preposterous premise and make it one of the best horror films in years. I can’t wait to see what the brothers do next. And once again, A24 doesn’t miss.
Talk to Me hits theaters on July 28th, 2023.
Rating: 4/5