Streaming Gems: Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Streaming Gems: Singin' in the Rain (1952)

Photo from The Hollywood Reporter

From Shane Conto

Are you a fan of musicals? This is such a divisive type of film with some loving the magic of it all and others not being able to dial into people just randomly singing. The musical was a giant part of the Golden Age of Hollywood for sure with the 50’s into the 60’s being a era rich in classic films that captured the imagination of audiences. We still get some great ones in the 2020’s but the 50’s was a whole other animal when it came to the musical. There are plenty of classic films of that era to appreciate but one of the crown jewels most certainly is Singin’ in the Rain

What makes this film so iconic? For one, this is a tale about cinema itself. For cinephiles, we love when movies tell us tales about movies. Singin’ in the Rain happens to tell a tale that is so significant to film history…the dawn of sound. Best Picture winner The Artist certainly pulls a lot from this classic picture as we see classic silent stars trying to find success in the new sound landscape of cinema. Gene Kelly portrays such a star as Don Lockwood along with his pal Cosmo Brown (delightfull portrayed by Donald O’Connor). But there is a big star with a voice terrible for sound pictures allowing for Debbie Reynolds’ Kathy Selden an opportunity to be noticed. This quandary is filled with drama and humor. Throw in some delightful romance between Kelly and Reynolds and you have yourself a charming story to enjoy. 

But for a musical to be a classic, it has to have what? Great music! Composer Lennie Hayton certainly did plenty of heavy-lifting to create the music bedrock for some of the most iconic song and dance numbers of all time. Arguably the most iconic musical number is the titular one from this film. Kelly just brings so much energy, charisma, and talent to “Singin’ in the Rain” and nails the watery dance material as well. But O’Connor gets his opportunity to shine with “Make ‘Em Laugh”. The song itself is plenty of fun and absolutely charming. O’Connor nails the musical aspects of it but really soars with his unmatchable physical comedy chops. The stunts O’Connor does in this film are iconic and darn near unbelievable. “Good Morning” is yet another transcendent and iconic track from this flick with the dynamic trio of Kelly, O’Connor, and Reynolds all getting a chance to have some fun. There are plenty more songs to enjoy as well but these are the cream of the crop for sure. 

What about the charm of it all? Stanley Donen and Kelly co-directed this film and absolutely nailed the amazingly fun, charming, and energetic tone that makes it a classic. The colorful visuals makes the film standout as well with plenty of great work that went into every costume and all of the impeccable sets. This is a wildly gorgeous film in every way. The choreography is elaborate and entertaining for sure. But it is the cast who is the key to this successful cinematic experience. Kelly is so charismatic and has just a magnetic charm. The same can be said about Reynolds too. Put them together and they are an all time cinematic pairing with their electric chemistry. O’Connor is an endlessly talented performer as well who makes one of the best “best friend” characters in all of romance films. 

What doesn’t Singin’ in the Rain do? accomplishes darn near everything! The musical numbers are all time classics. The cast is brimming with talent as well as being gorgeous and charismatic to boot. This is a great story about love and the evolution of cinema as well. Every frame is striking and vibrant with some of the best costuming and production designs in movie musicals. This is a must see of the musical genre…and just classic cinema in general. 

Singin’ in the Rain is streaming on MAX.

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