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Review: Margaret Qualley And Christopher Abbott Are Excellent In Sexy Psychological Thriller ‘Sanctuary’

Photo from Variety


A thrilling psychological power play is brought to life by two incredible performances from stars Margaret Qualley and Christopher Abbott in the tantalizingly intriguing Sanctuary.

In the film, a wealthy business heir (Abbott) attempts to end his relationship with a dominatrix (Qualley), but she has other thoughts. Sanctuary is simple in premise and calculated in execution, writer Micah Bloomberg’s script building on every emotion page after page and further muddying the complex ties between the characters. Director Zachary Wigon’s film has a sort of theatrical vibe to it with a setting that never shifts from a hotel room (with minor detours outside of the door); this certainly could be a stage play. It all forces the audience to become invested in the words being spoken which, had the actors not been up to the task, would have sunk the film.

Instead, Sanctuary is in the trusted hands of Abbott and Qualley, the former’s character Hal presenting as strong and sure of himself until he begins to slowly unravel and the latter’s Rebecca sadistically inflicting dizzying mental warfare upon her former client. The transformation of each character is stunning and effective, the twists induced by Qualley’s character expertly delivered by an actress giving what may be her best performance to date. 

The subject matter is certainly not for everyone with a heavy focus on a dark romance and erotic thriller. But damn if it isn’t a captivating watch once it really gets going about 20 minutes in. Sanctuary is one of the more memorable (and sexiest) films of 2023 thus far.

Sanctuary is now playing in limited theaters.

Rating: 4/5