‘Secret Invasion’ Episode 1: ‘Resurrection’ - Recap

Photo from Marvel Studios/IMDb

From Tarek

The first episode opens in Moscow in the present day. Martin Freeman’s Everett Ross is on the hunt with an ominous voiceover from Agent Prescord (Richard Dormer) looming that sets the scene for what the inciting conflict will be for Secret Invasion. “What if those people aren’t who we thought they were? What if they weren’t even human?” Prescord and Ross are debating who is behind recent terror attacks, while Ross thinks it’s just business as usual Prescord is convinced Skrulls are to blame. Skrulls can become anyone at any given moment. Despite that Ross still isn’t convinced. Skrulls have only made contact with Earth through Nick Fury, so Ross believes they’re allies, not enemies. Prescord says all the attacks are nothing compared to what’s coming and hands Ross a tablet, he says he’ll give it to Fury. Prescord doesn’t trust him and they fight, Prescord dies after he’s shot during the skirmish. Ross is on the run and is being chased by a random Russian agent but it’s revealed to be Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), Ross sustained a lot of damage during the chase and it kills him. When he’s lying on the ground he’s revealed to be a Skrull. Maria Hill asks Talos if Ross was one of you and Talos replies no he’s one of them. 

These events lead to Nick Fury beaming back down to earth to meet with Hill and Talos about Gravik. Talos and Fury have a touching moment mourning Talos’ late wife Soren. Talos says that Fury was different post blip and the Skrulls were helping him all these years to ensure he kept his promise of giving them a home. After Fury and Carol Danvers disappeared there wasn’t any hope for the Skrulls. Talos reveals that his daughter G’Iah was blipped too. Later on, there’s an exposition dump about Gravik. He took Fury’s abandonment of the Skrulls harder than most and he’s the leader of the Skrull council and (shocker) he’s out for revenge. 

Rhodey (Don Cheadle) is talking to the President about Fury leaving planet SABER. He was there crafting THE aerospace defense and the President is livid that he just up and left mid-mission. He tells Rhodey to handle it and we cut to Fury wandering the streets of Moscow when he’s abducted by MI:13. Their leader, played by Olivia Coleman, grills Fury about not being the same since Thanos’ snap. She tells him he’s washed up in so few words. Fury offers her help with the Skrulls and she says thanks but no thanks. 

A man named Beto approaches a gate and is greeted by G’Iah (Emilia Clarke) and she welcomes him to “New Skrullos”. It’s a Skrull civilization formed by Gravik. The Skrulls either keep their green form or are given a human shell if they decide to fight against the Americans. Gravik’s told that Fury is back but he’s not the same, old and half the man he used to be. 

G’Iah is sent off to give an art collector some money for bombs, but Fury and Talos are on their way to interrogate him as well. They want to know where the bombs are. G’Iah leaves after dropping the money. Immediately afterward Fury and Talos begin questioning him. Talos and him begin to fight and Fury shoots the art collector. Talos is upset that Fury killed him. Meanwhile, Maria Hill is pursuing G’Iah on foot. She shakes off Hill quickly and then Talos pursues. Talos threatens to shoot her, he pleads with his daughter to give him the bombs. Talos tells her that her mother wouldn’t have wanted this. He reveals to her that her mother died. Obviously, G’Iah is shocked. Talos asks one more time and says he can protect her from Gravik, G’Iah replies “You can’t protect anyone”. Talos leaves empty handed and G’Iah is seen sobbing around the corner. 

Maria and Fury go to the pub to lick their wounds a bit. Maria tells Fury that (again) he hasn’t been the same post blip and it’s okay if he sits out this mission. He says he owes it to Talos to give it everything he has. 

G’Iah is back on Skrullos and pleads with a commander to postpone the bomb strike. He dismisses this rather quickly and takes the bombs from her. After that G’Iah meets with her father to tell him about the plans for the bombing. Fury, Talos, and Maria go to the square to prevent it. The bags they’re pursuing are all decoys and Gravik looks Fury in the eye as he detonates the bomb. Hill is then shot and killed by a Skrull masked as Fury as the episode ends. 

This episode was incredible, full of twists and turns throughout and we get set up with a ton of questions for the rest of the season. Is Fury’s age going to come back and bite him, causing another catastrophic tragedy? Where will Talos and G’Iah end up at the season's end? Secret Invasion could be the best series Marvel’s put out thus far.

Secret Invasion is new every Wednesday on Disney+.

Follow Tarek at @tarek_wm


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