‘Brothers’ Capsule Review: An Unquestionably Awful Film With Nothing To Offer
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Capsule Reviews feature a collection of thoughts from Sean Phillips (Math Teacher Movies) on films from recent days, as well as the past year, decade, and beyond.
From Sean Phillips
Even when a film is designed not to be taken seriously and just be a silly comedy or an action heist movie, it should at least be funny or entertaining. Brothers failed on both fronts.
The film ends up being so utterly predictable, which is a particular sin as it deals with what should be unpredictable characters and finds them falling into a world of boredom.
The humor isn't just inappropriate, but it is something childish which would have been fine in a children's movie, but this movie was not for kids and that inconsistency just never made much sense.
Even from a heist film, this is just annoyingly paint-by-numbers with a plan that is so frustratingly one-note and simple that half way through you’re just bored.
The actual humor in this is either cartoonish, childish, or off color, with the off color not having a purpose except for the sake of shock value; this mix is more volatile and inconsistent.
There is potential in the cast, but it is atrociously squandered to a sinful degree with inexplicable casting for actors that do not fit into their roles, especially some that are misplaced cameos.
Peter Dinklage is bringing a slight comedic energy into the nature of his character which is a bit fun to watch, but it’s far from consistent in disposition and cadence which ends up flailing much like the rest of the film.
Josh Brolin is playing the lovable doofus in this movie, which that could be fine, but he is never lovable and too much of a doofus, an imbalance that ends up being a fault in the performance and the film.
Brothers is just unquestionably awful as it offers nothing of substance and also nothing of entertainment either which leaves it hollow on every single account and hollow on every single avenue.
Brothers is currently streaming on Amazon Prime Video.